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You're here:  New York City > Marketplace > Computers & Accessories > Sony VAIO VPCF117FX/ B F Series Notebook PC
Sony VAIO VPCF117FX/ B F Series Notebook PC
Price: 299
Visits: 737

Date Posted: 6/8/2012 7:29:58 PM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: ytrem  
New and Original laptops are sold discount, purchase to visit Product Details Sony VAIO VPCF117FX/ B F Series Notebook PC 16.4 " screen black 500GB hard drive laptop computer For work, for play, and for any mix thereof, this Sony VAIO laptop has the power you need. It'''' s got a blazing-fast quad-core processor, 6GB of RAM, 500GB of hard drive space, and a high-performance NVIDIA graphics card with 1GB of dedicated RAM. Plus it'''' s got a Blu-ray player and Windows 7 among many other cool features. You'''' ll love it. Comparison Specifications 16.4 " ( diagonal) ; LED LCD; 1920 x 1080 resolution Intel Core 1.60GHz i7 quad-core processor with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.80GHz 500GB Serial ATA hard drive ( 7200RPM) 6GB installed DDR3/ 1066 RAM ( 4GB + 2GB) ; 8GB maximum

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